The Victorian flight-simulator

A while back I finished editing a book. A book about state of the art technology; the very latest ideas and prototypes in communication, transport and storing images. The interesting thing was that it was originally written in 1902. The book is ‘The Romance of Modern Invention’ by Archibald Williams. It’s a printed book and Read more about The Victorian flight-simulator[…]

The Oscars; Envelopegate and Design

  “And the winner of the Oscar for best picture goes to…” How could they get it wrong? It turns out that the envelope they were given to read out was actually a back-up, a duplicate of the envelope for the Best Actress Oscar. The card inside it said ‘Emma Stone, La La Land’. For Read more about The Oscars; Envelopegate and Design[…]

Jo Cox and the war on loneliness

The Labour MP Jo Cox was murdered by a 52 year old man described as; ‘a loner with extreme right-wing views’. The recent Orlando shootings were also the work of ‘a loner’: an angry Muslim loner. The key thing is not the one ideology or the other: not the right wing extremist or the Muslim Read more about Jo Cox and the war on loneliness[…]

Wish you were here! Why Tweets are like postcards

You know the feeling, it’s raining outside and you’re at work facing the gray wall with the gray windows behind you. You check Twitter and there is your mate’s latest; ‘We’re having a great time on the beach’ and there’s the photo of said beach with plenty of blue sky. Looks lovely doesn’t it? If Read more about Wish you were here! Why Tweets are like postcards[…]

Starting interactions as though they were ongoing interactions

So… there is a current trend in the UX of interactions where the interaction is designed to make it seem as though it has already been underway for some time. The idea behind this is rather than concentrating on on-boarding users you just start talking to them as though they were on-boarded three years ago. Read more about Starting interactions as though they were ongoing interactions[…]